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Transform data into interactive visual insights while keeping your source data private and secure.
Share powerful graphical representations with clients or stakeholders without exposing sensitive data.
Easily integrate our dashboard into your existing applications. Generate custom graphs with just a few API calls.
Visualize real-time data and monitor key metrics on the fly. Create dashboards that update automatically as data changes.
Whether you're handling small datasets or big data, our dashboard scales effortlessly. Customize every aspect to fit your needs.
Leverage advanced analytics to uncover hidden patterns and insights in your data. Use machine learning models to predict future trends.
We are working on personal finance tracking PWA.
Here we show integration with Firebase used for analitycal application.
On frontend we have Next.js with static export so CEO and Deployment are simple and easy.
All APP-s have their continuous integration pipelines.
Game combines tetris like mehanics with typing trainer game 4000+ English words!
For this one engine is Pixi.js
The letters are out of 8x8 letter bitmaps
We are working on OAK 3D Game Engine for our own purposes, we want it to be simplistic and optimised.
Also we developed tools to create levels and import models developed in Python.
Morse tree is a game that train your morse code fingers.
Knowlage and libraries of all aplications that are presented here and more
If you are up to it you can dig into code: Github Reopsitory link
Game made to present Map Engine.
ECS is used to make it is easily extendable.
This experiment makes fluent and unified UI
for mobile and desktop.
Touching on data science and culminating in unexpected game development.
Ploter for math functions, with special math comiler for using standard math notation.
Stellar is simulation of sollar system, it uses Rust and WASM for ascelleration.
Fun rouge game made with our own 3D OAK game angine.
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